Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Old Friends

Today I got an email from an old friend from college (OK, SHE's not old, but you know what I mean!) That was a very pleasant surprise!

I've been having a pretty crappy time at work. I love my job, but work is busy right now.

I've got a great wife who puts up with me kicking her and yelling at the dog when I get home. (In the interest of full disclosure, I did NOT yell at the dog...)

But back to friends..I've been real lucky in the past several years to catch up with some old friends from college and high school. And today's email is another one of those "rays of sunshine" in my life.

And it made me realize that no matter what, I've got great friends. I've got my best friend, my wife; I've got friends that I see all the time; I've got friends I see every so often (certainly never often enough); friends I've moved away from but still keep in contact with; friends I've met once and still keep in touch with; and friends who real names I don't know! And I've got old friends who come out of nowhere...

Thanks friends, you definitely make life enjoyable!!!


Nick said...

We love you too, MAJ Bigger.
You complete me. So does Rebecca for that matter.

Nick said...

Hey! I take back what I said! You don't have me as one of your links! BOOOO!

Go Clemson.

Impala Mama said...

We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am really thankful for you---now be nice to your wife.

Spotty said...

How sweet! Hey Junior finished 11th yesterday!