Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pikes Peak Ascent

I did my first Pikes Peak Ascent. Not a stellar time, 5 hrs 23 min. But I got my jacket!!!

Certainly not the achivement of the weekend however, John "Bloody Z" did the full Pikes Peak Marathon on Sunday and JT "Browny" did the Leadville 100 on both days!!!

Time: 5:23:20 Ave Mile 24:18


Laurie said...

Great job! Congratulations!!!!

Lick My Lincoln said...

Z finished in 6:40.

Good job, BTW, Nascock!

Going to start Hashing with us again, wanker?

Lick My Lincoln said...

P.S. Get a haircut, hippie!

brownie said...

Great job, wanker. Think you might finally be in good enough shape to finish a DIM hash.

brownie said...

By the way, you never list your pace per mile for that race. Splits to certain landmarks are what you brag about. Rookie!

Kirk said...

Dude, I got nothinbg to brag about other than finishing!

brownie said...

You can always brag about being the first person to ever misspell "brownie."

Nick said...

Great picture, nerd.

Let's see if we can make a Kimchi this year, m'kay?

Lick My Lincoln said...

Dude ...

Come play football with us Saturday!!! We can discuss my idea for my next brew!

We gotta start thinking about the homebrew competition anyway ...