Sunday, March 09, 2008

St Baldrick's: I'll shave my head to combat cancer....

To all,

Yes, this is a shameless Blogspot fundraising request.

Bald Eagles team page:

My page:

Each year around, April, I shave my head to raise money to combat childhood cancer. I don't know any children with cancer, but if I can do anything to raise a couple of bucks for a good cause, count me in!

This is part of the St Baldrick's program to raise money to combat children's cancer.

I'm on a team with a couple of guys from my unit/office. Our team name is "Bald Eagles" (see links above.)

Thanks in advance. If you see me and want to give me a cash or coins, just let me know!!!


brownie said...

Wow, guys in the military shaving their heads, how inspiring.

brownie said...

This blog sucks more than that swill you make in your garage.